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Understanding Constipation: What It Is, What It Does, and How to Find Relief By Karin Nahmani

  Understanding Constipation: What It Is, What It Does, and How to Find Relief By Karin Nahmani Constipation is something many of us experience at some point, but it can be frustrating and uncomfortable when it lingers. As a gut health expert, I want to break down what constipation really is, what it does to your body, and most importantly, how you can find relief naturally. What is Constipation? At its core, constipation is defined as having fewer than three bowel movements a week, though for some people it might feel like they’re “blocked up” if they’re not going daily. It occurs when stool moves too slowly through the digestive tract or cannot be effectively eliminated, leading to hard, dry stools that are difficult to pass. Common symptoms of constipation include: Infrequent bowel movements Difficulty or straining when passing stools A sensation of incomplete evacuation Bloating or discomfort in the abdomen In more chronic cases, fatigue or irritability What Causes Constipation? Co

Embracing Health: The Power of an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

  Today, we delve into the realm of nutrition and wellness, exploring the transformative effects of adopting an anti-inflammatory diet. As an advocate for holistic health, I'm excited to share insights that can empower you on your journey to vibrant well-being. Let's begin by understanding what inflammation means in the context of our bodies. While acute inflammation is a natural response to injuries or infections, chronic inflammation is where the trouble starts. It's like a low-grade fire simmering within, silently contributing to various health woes if left unchecked. So, why is an anti-inflammatory diet crucial? Picture this: Imagine foods as either fueling that internal fire or dousing it with soothing, healing properties. An anti-inflammatory diet leans heavily towards the latter, emphasizing nutrient-rich, whole foods that actively combat inflammation. Here are some key principles to guide your anti-inflammatory culinary adventure: 1. Load Up on Colorful

כוחם של אנזימי עיכול: מדוע הם חיוניים לבריאותך מאת קארין נחמני

פתיחת הכוח של אנזימי עיכול: מדוע הם חיוניים לבריאותך בסימפוניה הסבוכה של תפקודי הגוף, העיכול משחק תפקיד מרכזי. זהו התהליך שבאמצעותו אנו מפרקים מזון לחומרים מזינים, ומספקים את האנרגיה ואבני הבניין שגופנו זקוקים לו כדי לשגשג. עם זאת, למרות חשיבותו החיונית, העיכול יכול לפעמים להיות מקור לאי נוחות וחוסר יעילות. זה המקום שבו אנזימי העיכול נכנסים בתור גיבורים בלתי מוכרים, מקלים בשקט על תהליך העיכול ומבטיחים ספיגה אופטימלית של חומרים מזינים. מהם אנזימי עיכול? אנזימי עיכול הם חלבונים מיוחדים המיוצרים על ידי הגוף כדי לסייע בפירוק המזון לרכיבים קטנים יותר ונספגים. הם מופרשים בכל מערכת העיכול, מהפה ועד למעיים, שם הם מזרזים את התגובות הכימיות שמפרקות פחמימות, חלבונים ושומנים למולקולות פשוטות יותר כמו סוכרים, חומצות אמינו וחומצות שומן. למה אנחנו צריכים אותם? הגוף מייצר את אנזימי העיכול שלו, אבל לפעמים הוא צריך קצת עזרה נוספת. גורמים כמו גיל, מתח, תזונה לקויה ומצבים רפואיים מסוימים יכולים לפגוע בייצור האנזים, מה שמוביל לבעיות עיכול כמו נפיחות, גזים וחוסר ספיגה של חומרים מזינים. זה המקום שבו תוספת עם

The Power of Digestive Enzymes: Why They're Essential for Your Health by Karin Nahmani

  Unlocking the Power of Digestive Enzymes: Why They're Essential for Your Health In the intricate symphony of bodily functions, digestion plays a starring role. It's the process through which we break down food into nutrients, providing the energy and building blocks our bodies need to thrive. Yet, despite its vital importance, digestion can sometimes be a source of discomfort and inefficiency. This is where digestive enzymes step in as unsung heroes, quietly facilitating the digestive process and ensuring optimal nutrient absorption. What Are Digestive Enzymes? Digestive enzymes are specialized proteins produced by the body to aid in the breakdown of food into smaller, absorbable components. They are secreted throughout the digestive tract, from the mouth all the way to the intestines, where they catalyze the chemical reactions that break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into simpler molecules like sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids. Why Do We Need Them? The body prod

Nurturing Your Gut: The Vital Role of Detoxing for Digestive Health - Karin Nahmani

  In the quest for holistic well-being, the spotlight is increasingly turning towards the gut – our body's powerhouse for digestion and nutrient absorption. Amidst various wellness practices, detoxing the gut has emerged as a crucial element in achieving and maintaining optimal digestive health. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of detoxing the gut and why it is a fundamental aspect of overall well-being. Understanding Gut Detox: Gut detoxification involves the removal of harmful substances, toxins, and waste products from the digestive system. The gut, comprising the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, plays a pivotal role in breaking down food, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating waste. Over time, exposure to environmental toxins, processed foods, and stress can lead to an accumulation of harmful substances in the gut, compromising its function. The Importance of Gut Detox: Improved Digestive Function: Detoxing the gut helps eliminate accumulated

The What, How and Why of Colon Cancer

  So as you may or may not know, March was National Colon Cancer Awareness Month.   This month in particular is used to bring awareness to Colon Cancer and it gives the practitioner a way of educating people about what it is, what is does, how to get screened and treatments that are available.    What is Colon Cancer? Cancer of the colon or rectum is located in the lower digestive track Early cases can begin as non-cancer polyps.  This type of cancer often has no symptoms, but can be detected by early screening.  For this reason, doctors , and I, highly recommend you get screened in your early 50’s. Colorectal Cancer treatment depends on the size and the location and how far the cancer has spread.  Common treatments include; surgery to remove the cancer, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.   Colon Cancer is sometimes called Rectal Cancer which is a term to combine colon cancer and rectal cancer, which begins in the rectum.  Rectal cancer starts in the colon.  Indirectly, this cancer ca

The Connection Between Our Body, Mind and Digestive Health

    The gastrointestinal tract is sensitive to emotion. Anger, anxiety, sadness, elation — all of these feelings (and others) can trigger symptoms in the gut. The brain has a direct effect on the stomach and intestines. For example, the very thought of eating can release the stomach's juices before food gets there.   Can stress give me a stomach ache? The brain-gut axis also explains how you can feel stress and emotions in the gut.  Most people have experienced butterflies before a first date or diarrhea before public speaking. These "gut feelings" are the result of stress being communicated to the gut via these bidirectional nerve pathways.  For many patients, living with unpredictable GI symptoms can be highly stressful on its own. How can I use my mind to heal my gut? Medicine is moving towards a more holistic approach to treating patients, and there is growing interest in finding non-medication treatment options. GI diseases are a great example of the positive effects